Monday, November 21, 2011

My Roller Coaster Life

I remember as a child being fascinated by the rides at the amusement park - the most intriguing one was the "WILDCAT" roller coaster. I can remember hearing the screams as people were whipped around as they plummeted down after going so slowly to the crest of the track. Needless to say I was eager to try - my brother was designated to ride with me and as I held his sweaty hand my stomach began to flip - what had I gotten my self into!  I still can fill the rush as I write about it, remembering the thought that surely I was going to fall from the ride to my death as I was moved ever which way but loose! What an adventure it was to have my first but not my last ride on the notorious Wildcat.
Many times when this life gets crazy with its ups and downs - I scream out, "get me out of here!" - and it is just in that moment on the roller coaster of life that God steps in and slows the ride and I am able to gather my thoughts - begin to breath with ease - then sense with anticipation the wonder of that journey - it brings back the mystery of what lies ahead and I want to go again. So off I go over the next crest to the depths that my soul can stand - only to have the saga repeated over and over until this roller coaster ride of life is over and I have to leave the amazement park of life.

God is forever faithful and His mercies are new everyday - He holds me in the hallow of His hand and no matter how far the car on my roller coaster life plunges - He is my safety - only with Him can I enjoy the thrill of this life - find my breath - and cry out "one more time papa - just one more time."

Knowing that His love and mercies will guide me and with Him there is no fear just wonderment as to how the ride has been made.
Till next week -Blessings!

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